Candid Circles
Join Candid Circles
Candid Circles is a wellness program designed specifically for UW students. You identify and set your own wellness goals, then get support and incentives for working on them!
Candid provides resources, tools, and strategies so you can take better care of yourself. Candid participants can meet in a group or 1:1 setting to identify their goals, report on progress and experiences working on their goal(s), and receive encouragement along the way.
Get Free Coaching
Candid offers UW students the opportunity to talk with a certified health and life coach about navigating life as a student. Whether you want to discuss time management and life balance, healthy relationships, or how to move your body and get enough sleep, Candid coaching can help you work toward a healthier you! Sometimes, we could all use a little extra support to make the changes we want in our life.
Attend Wellness Workshops
Candid offers a Wellness Workshop once a month on different topics relevant to students’ lives. And, there’s always a free dinner immediately after! Join other students to learn practical strategies for things like procrastination and getting a big assignment done with less stress, developing a positive stress mindset, how to talk through a conflict with someone, or how to deal with that mean voice in your head that tells you how awful everything is.
Earn Rewards
At Candid, we understand that making changes (even the ones that you want to make) can be hard. That’s why Candid rewards you with incentives and gift cards to help you stay motivated. You identify the things you want to work toward, and we’ll reward you as you take steps and make progress toward those goals. The more you engage, the more you earn! Participants can receive up to $50 per semester for participation.
Holistic Wellness
Do you notice how something going wrong in one part of your life can have an impact on another part of your life? Not sleeping? You may feel anxious, get irritated with your friends, or have a hard time focusing on your classes…
Wellness doesn’t look the same for everyone.
Maybe you’re struggling making connections and friends. Maybe you hate to “exercise” but know that moving your body more would be good! Maybe you struggle to get organized, so you can’t enjoy anything…
Candid Circles gives you the space and support to figure out what wellness means to you. You get to choose your goals and direction — Candid offers tools, encouragement, and rewards for the journey.
Candid Circles helps you focus on making small changes — because small changes can have a big impact! You get to choose which area to focus on and what goal in that area makes sense. Candid Circles will help you identify small, achievable steps to help you get there.
Wellness is not a single achievement. We celebrate every step along the way!
Here are some of the things you could decide to focus on this year:
Physical health: Getting good quality sleep, nutrition, and exercise; managing health concerns and conditions
Mental health: Practicing mindfulness, gratitude, and stress relief; developing a positive mindset; managing mental health concerns and conditions
Time management/Life balance: Strategies for getting things done, breaking big projects into smaller chunks, prioritizing what’s important, and finding time for yourself and your friends while being a student.
Relationships & Connections: Establishing and deepening relationships, repairing trust, setting healthy boundaries, and communicating through conflict.
Life Purpose: Develop and discover your gifts, skills, interests, passions, values, and goals; Explore how these things may impact your decisions and future.
Other: Holistic wellness looks different for each person. Is there another area of your life that could benefit from focused improvement? You may decide to spend the year pursuing it!
Ultimately, holistic wellness means that focusing on one area of your life can have a profound impact on other areas!
Individual sessions with professional coaches usually cost over $100 per session. Some coaching programs cost $3000-$5000 for 3-6 month coaching programs.
Candid is designed with college students in mind. Thanks to our donors, participation in Candid is free to UW Madison students. You can make an investment in yourself without breaking the bank.
The best part? You can earn up to $50 in rewards & incentives while getting stronger and healthier along the way!
How do I join?
Any UW student can join Candid Circles.
Candid Circles Sign-Up
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