Going for a paddle on one of Madison’s lakes is a great way to get outdoors and enjoy some quiet time by yourself or have fun with friends. If you have your own kayak or paddleboard, getting out on the water is easy enough. But there are also several inexpensive rental options close to campus; they’re open from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Wisconsin Hoofers is a great resource to get on Lake Mendota, so take advantage while the great weather holds!
Brittingham Boats is just a mile away from UW-Madison — a 15-minute walk — and from May through September you can paddle out onto Lake Monona at sunset for a beautiful view of the capital building and the downtown Madison skyline. Wingra Boats is a little further away (1.5 miles), but it’s much more secluded; you’re away from the roads and immersed in the beautiful greenery near the UW-Madison Arboretum. There’s also Marshall Boats, which is the furthest from campus (4 miles) and puts you on Lake Mendota, where you can paddle right up to The Terrace; that is, if you’ve got the stamina to make it there and back!
UW students can take advantage of UW Outdoors programs, including boat rentals from Memorial Union. If you are feeling adventurous, consider joining UW Hoofers, UW’s own sailing club! Paddling the lakes is a great way to explore parts of the city you may not see, and what better way to travel than by boat!
Written by Nii Addo Abrahams
Associate Director of Campus Ministry, Pres House