Welcome to Candid!
Welcome to Candid, a wellness initiative sponsored by Pres House at the University of Wisconsin Madison. Candid supports young adults who are interested in wellness, while being… well, students! Whether you are just learning to navigate college or slogging through the latter stages of a graduate program, Candid can support you taking care of you.
How? You might ask. Great question! Candid offers support in different ways. And you get to choose what works best from what Candid has to offer. First, Candid Corner offers information through social media, blogs and vlogs that give you concrete ideas and information you can use to do well/be well/live well. There is a LOT of wellness information out there. Candid Corner will share what we know from health and wellness research, experts and lived experience… with the focus always being on helping you achieve your goals given the realities of being a student! Candid Corner will focus on different topics and themes, providing information and strategies for you to try out. Then, you can let us know what’s working or what you’d like to hear more about.
You should also keep an eye out for Candid Connect—events that connect you (in person) to speakers, workshops, classes and practice sessions that can help you learn and develop skills that support your well-being. Candid Connect will also highlight and share campus and community events available to students in Madison that promote wellness. Our goal is to support you as you develop habits and practices that will serve you now as a student and will serve you in your life after your degree. You might want to learn about nutrition on the fly or learn how to cook more of your own food. You may want to learn about budgeting now—to increase your chances for financial success later. You may want to learn what all the fuss about yoga is but have been a bit intimidated to try it for fear of looking stupid and not knowing what you’re doing. Candid Connect events will provide opportunities for you to learn and try some new things that move you toward a healthier, happier you.
Candid can also connect you to peers who are interested in strengthening their own commitment to and practices of wellness. Candid Circles will provide each person a small group of peers you can share goals with, discuss how things are going or challenges you’re facing, support each other and celebrate your gains together. Have you ever noticed how it’s hard to stop binging Netflix or scrolling Instagram, but if you have someone to meet or somewhere to be, you just do it? Candid Circles will provide that outside support, encouragement and motivation to keep working on your goals and doing activities that are hard to do when we are left just to ourselves. Studies show that the richer the network of connections—to people, their environment/place, and activities—the more people thrive in life! Candid Circles can help build and extend your circle to include people who will be on your side as you decide what you want to work on to improve your life.
No matter what way you decide to connect with Candid, we will be here to support you. Our only goal is a healthier, happier you. Each person deserves a chance to thrive and flourish. Our chances of flourishing are exponentially higher if we connect with others on that journey. That’s why we’re here and why we invite you to take a Candid journey–self-directed but not alone. Where will your wellness journey take you? We can’t wait to find out!
Written by Ginger Morgan, PhD
Director of Candid–Health and Life Coach