Candid at UW Madison

Wellness that is self-directed, but not alone
We all want to be healthy, so what gets in our way? Being a student can be hard. Academic demands can be stressful. Social isolation can make us feel alone. The things we know to do to take care of ourselves get pushed to the bottom of the list of things to do.
That’s why we’re here.
Candid brings students together on a wellness journey that fosters connections and encourages relevant, relatable, and real conversations. You set the goals — Candid connects you to community and support.

Everyone is welcome at Candid
We believe that people thrive when we’re given the opportunity to forge genuine relationships that support and encourage you to achieve your goals. We accept every student for who and where you are in life. No questions asked. No judgment. We are on your side.
Join Candid for holistic support
Join Candid for support on your wellness journey. You decide what you want to learn or change — and we help you get there.
Candid offers cooking classes, financial literacy workshops, stress management strategies, information resources, and other programs.
At the core of Candid are Candid Circles: a semester-by-semester wellness club that creates a circle of support, encouragement, and accountability for the changes you want to make.

Upcoming Events
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Are you ready?
Take the Candid journey: self-directed, but not alone.

Featured Blog Articles

3, 33, or 75?
3, 33, or 75? New year. New semester. Time for new goals, right? It’s pretty common to hear that New Year’s Resolutions have fallen out of…

Fall Back… to Sleep!
Fall Back… to Sleep! This past weekend Daylight Savings Time ended… and we got one extra hour overnight. We are all bummed that it is dark…

Why Coaching?
Why Coaching? When I first heard about health coaching, I was skeptical. I wasn’t sure if it was some sort of workout cheerleader, or someone who…