3, 33, or 75?
3, 33, or 75? New year. New semester. Time for new goals, right? It’s pretty common to hear that New Year’s Resolutions have fallen out of favor. Truth be told, they don’t really work. We start with our resolve and a healthy dose of enthusiasm to do something positive or stop something negative, only to…
Why Coaching?
Why Coaching? When I first heard about health coaching, I was skeptical. I wasn’t sure if it was some sort of workout cheerleader, or someone who would tell me to eat my vegetables. So, I did some research. That research led me to eventually not only begin using health and life coaching, but to be…
Money Mindset: Be Aware of Your Spending
Finances can be overwhelming, especially in college. Between tuition payments, textbook charges, rent deposits, food, and the occasional bit of fun, it feels like money slips right through your fingers. Where does it all go? One of the most important parts of financial management is simply understanding where you spend most of your funds. Once…
Saving the Planet, Preserving My Health, and Saving Money? Sign me up!!
Saving the Planet, Preserving My Health, and Saving Money? Sign me up!! Life gets crazy sometimes, and if you are like me that craziness can lead to eating foods that may not be the best choice. I am a perpetual snacker, so having some nutritious options at my fingertips really helps me reduce the stress…
More Saving the Planet, Preserving My Health, and Saving Money? Sign me up!!
De-Stressing Money
De-Stressing Money Money can be one of the greatest sources of stress in our lives. Do we have enough now? Will we have enough in the future? If we have enough, what do we do with it? This may be especially true if you are a student struggling to get by or will soon be…
Taking Care of your Financial Well-Being
Candid hosted Renae Sigall from UW Credit Union for a Candid Class webinar on personal budgeting on October 22, 2020. Renae shared these resources to help you take care of your financial well-being.