Mental Health
3, 33, or 75?
3, 33, or 75? New year. New semester. Time for new goals, right? It’s pretty common to hear that New Year’s Resolutions have fallen out of favor. Truth be told, they don’t really work. We start with our resolve and a healthy dose of enthusiasm to do something positive or stop something negative, only to…
Fall Back… to Sleep!
Fall Back… to Sleep! This past weekend Daylight Savings Time ended… and we got one extra hour overnight. We are all bummed that it is dark a lot earlier now. On the flip side, morning is lighter sooner. At this time in the semester, sleep can feel like a rare commodity. Several students have been…
Why Coaching?
Why Coaching? When I first heard about health coaching, I was skeptical. I wasn’t sure if it was some sort of workout cheerleader, or someone who would tell me to eat my vegetables. So, I did some research. That research led me to eventually not only begin using health and life coaching, but to be…
How We Talk to Ourselves.
How We Talk to Ourselves I had a conversation with my daughter recently, who is taking a psychopathology course at her University. They were discussing seasonal affective disorder (which she struggled with last year). She learned that people in higher latitudes (she is in school in Vermont) are at higher risk (less daylight). She also…
Rethinking Rule-Based Eating
Rethinking Rule-Based Eating How do you decide what to eat? It’s a choice we make constantly, affected by all kinds of factors like what’s available, time, money, what our stomachs and taste buds are begging for. There are background voices, too: a lifetime of seeing food ads, media about the latest diet craze or a…
Filling Up The Tank
Filling Up The Tank OK, everyone. Time for a check in. Fill in the blank: “I’m feeling _____________, and I don’t know why.” Happy? Grateful? Peaceful? Hmm. Maybe: Tired. Cranky. Worried. Sad. Mad? It’s possible at different moments you could be feeling any of these things. Some days you may notice you are struggling more…
Mindset Reset
Mindset Reset: Use your mind for more than studying. Have you ever noticed that you can be getting good grades, or exercising regularly, or eating a healthy diet and some part of you still won’t let you catch a break? I often hear from students that they can be pretty hard on themselves. They aren’t…
Improve Your Mindset by Practicing Gratitude
Improve Your Mindset by Practicing Gratitude Physical exercise, a balanced diet, and 7-8 hours of sleep usually top the list of ways to be and stay healthy. There’s no denying how important these things are, but sometimes it’s overwhelming to try to fit them all into your hectic student schedule. Thankfully, there’s an even simpler…
How to Get “Back to Normal” — At Your Own Pace
How to Get “Back to Normal” — At Your Own Pace A year and a half ago, most of us were barely giving “the COVID-19 thing” any thought at all. Then we found ourselves thrust into a culture shock of isolation in March 2020, spending months staying home, wearing masks, logging on to virtual meetings…
Better Late Than Never?
Better Late Than Never? Procrastination and Perfection Did you know that February was Time Management Awareness Month? I did. I wanted to write a blog about it. Now it’s almost the end of March. Where did the time go?? So. It’s true. I’ll confess it here: I sometimes struggle with procrastination. My spouse calls it…
#BlackLivesMatter & Wellness
#BlackLivesMatter & Wellness As we turn our collective attention to the celebration of contributions of African Americans during the month of February (and hopefully beyond the month), we must also face the depth of pain and injury caused by racist attitudes, behaviors and policies in the United States brought to light (most recently) through the…
Productivity in Isolation: How to Stay Balanced During a Global Crisis
Productivity in Isolation: How to Stay Balanced During a Global Crisis Now that we’ve been “Safer at Home” for over a month — and it looks to stay that way for a while longer— we’re seeing the impacts of self-isolating firsthand. Everyone is dealing with this global crisis differently. For some, it’s a welcome reprieve…
More Productivity in Isolation: How to Stay Balanced During a Global Crisis
How to Manage When Things Get Tough
How to Manage When Things Get Tough By: Ginger Morgan, Director of Candid. I am not sure how things are going for you, but I can say that I am feeling pretty worn down by #saferathome by now. The first month we were all adjusting, things were unfolding fast and felt new and our brains…
How to Work Through the Culture Shock of Physical Isolation
How to Work Through the Culture Shock of Physical Isolation We’ve found ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic, news stories and Facebook posts swirling through our society about a novel virus that’s quickly taken the world by storm. And despite the chorus of “we’re in this together” from businesses, bosses, and teachers alike…
More How to Work Through the Culture Shock of Physical Isolation
Self Care for the Long Haul
Self Care for the Long Haul By Ginger Morgan, Director of Candid I don’t know about you, but for me it’s beginning to sink in that we may be doing this “Safer At Home” thing for a while. One of the unsettling things about navigating this new normal is that we don’t really know how…